Nuclear power & a new government

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What is the UK Nuclear industry looking forward to under a new government?

Hung Parliament & Nuclear Power

Following the televised debates, polls are indicating that the chances of one party gaining enough of a majority to be elected has significantly dropped.

This has led to concerns that the nuclear power plans put in place by the Labour government could be under threat should a hung parliament be elected, due to the Liberal Democrats’ anti nuclear stance.

It remains to be seen if the Liberal Democrats will have enough pulling power to alter the Conservatives’ and Labour’s pro-nuclear stance. Experts suggest that it is not an area where the Lib Dems would look to greatly assert themselves should they be elected in the minority, and will probably be overruled.

It is not surprising given that there are massive nuclear plans already under way, with a number of the biggest global energy companies already committed to the UK nuclear rejuvenation.

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