We help you to compare all quotations in a like-for-like manner. If you are changing supplier or moving premises we will assist you with the process and monitor the progress.
New Connections
We have access to industry professionals who will help to manage any new connections you have planned enabling your new sites to operate as soon as possible.
Capacity Matching
Does your business need to increase or reduce its Available Supply Capacity (kVa)? We can help change this with your distributor to achieve significant cost savings.
Bill Validation
Send us copies of your utilities bills and we will check them for accuracy, estimated reads and any other queries that arise and report back to you.
Energy Usage Analysis
We supply you with a detailed and graphical analysis of your consumption figures so you can identify wastage and take more actions to improve efficiency.
Credit Score Assistance
We can often negotiate special terms and contracts for businesses being refused credit and we can assist with supplier-related dispute resolution.