None of the six major energy suppliers will continue to roll business customers into new contracts without their explicit consent.

The last three of the Big Six have all also promised to stop rolling customers into contracts they haven’t explicitly agreed to.
The “Big Six” all promised to stop the tactic, although they are essentially only pre-empting new rules being put in place by Ofgem, the energy regulator, as part of their ongoing Retail Market Review.
We recently reported that three of the Big Six had made the announcement, and in recent days the remaining three suppliers, Npower, EDF Energy and ScottishPower, have all made similar announcements.
Currently, suppliers’ terms and conditions all state a “termination window” of between 28 and 90 days before the end of the contract. The organisation must notify the supplier formally during that window that they do not wish to automatically roll into a new contract term, but that seems to be a thing of the past.
The cut-off date is April 30 2014 for customers currently in contract with E.ON, Scottish & Southern (inc. Atlantic & SWALEC), Npower and ScottishPower, meaning if your contract ends after that date you will not be rolled over. If your contract ends before then you still need to terminate as detailed in your terms & conditions.
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The same rules apply for customers in contract with British Gas, except the equivalent date is June 30 2014.
EDF Energy customers will be get their prices frozen for another year, but are free to leave at any time with no charge.