Three of the Big Six have now announced winter price increases of between 8 and 11 per cent.

British Gas and Npower announcing price rises means 3 of the Big Six have now put prices up this winter.
Npower and British Gas have joined SSE and Co-op on the list of energy companies that have already announced price hikes this winter.
Both suppliers blamed the hikes on higher prices on the global energy markets, higher costs of transmission, and increases in government social and environmental programs.
British Gas are raising prices by an average of 9.2%, and Npower by and average of 10.4%.
Ian Peters, managing director of British Gas Residential said: “We haven’t taken this decision lightly, but what is pushing up energy prices at the moment are costs that are not all directly under our control.”
Chief Executive of Npower Paul Massara said: “We’ve tried to protect customers for as long as possible but the truth is we simply cannot hold off any longer. There are many external costs which are increasing your bills, including Government schemes and the actual cost of buying energy.”
The news is of particular worry for the elderly and vulnerable, who struggle to afford to heat their homes in winter.
British Gas announced that 500,000 vulnerable people would receive an automatic discount equivalent to £60 per dual fuel household, in addition to the Warm Homes Discount Scheme, which can save a further £135.
Get more information on the Warm Homes Discount Scheme. Note that the Warm Home Discount Scheme does not affect your Cold Weather Payment or Winter Fuel Payment if you qualify for either of these.
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